The W Family Chronicles

Godspeed, Katie.

Posted on: April 8, 2007

For those who read my post about Katie the other day, I wanted to let you know that she passed away very early Saturday morning.  Please keep her family in your prayers.  I know it’s hardest on those left behind.  The memorial service is next weekend in Knoxville and I’m trying to figure out how or if I can make it.  I’m contemplating leaving D here with J for the weekend and going by myself.  Well, by myself with my little boobsucker since I can’t leave him.   I don’t know yet if I can work it out…but I feel like I should be there.

Also yesterday was our 6th anniversary.  WOW!   And here’s a little trip down memory lane.  It’s a bad scan, but unfortunately we have no digital photos of the day.  But this is one of my favorites!

We didn’t make it to the zoo today because it was just too cold.  We did dye eggs and hunt them.  A good day, and I have lots of pics that I’ll try to get uploaded and posted soon!

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W Family Players

D is the dad, the husband, and the breadwinner. All around nice guy and good at pretty much everything he does. It's disgusting, really. But makes him worth keeping around.

M is the mom, the wife, and the hopeless housekeeper. At least the kids' heads haven't fallen off yet. Beyond that, she sucks at the "stay at home" thing. Oh, and she's the blogger.

J is the big boy. Born October 11 2002, he is in kindergarten and loves it. Now 6 years old, and too smart for his own good. Talks a lot but extremely entertaining.

C is the little boy. Born June 26, 2006, he went through a lot in his first year but is doing just fine now. The only blond in the family, so his paternity is routinely questioned by rude strangers.

V is our baby girl. She is brand new and arrived in January 2009. So far everything is going well. We're thrilled to have added the final piece to our family puzzle. And yes, she WILL be the final piece!
