The W Family Chronicles

Archive for March 2007

Well, we’re here, as is most of our stuff. Some remains at the old house but we’ll get all of that out this weekend.

And our new neighborhood is doing an Easter Egg hunt for the kids this Saturday! Very cool…our neighbor across the street (who I really like…and she has 2 little girls close to J’s age!) says that there’s an active association and they do lots of fun things. I’m so excited about that as we’ve never had a neighborhood that did stuff like this. J is very much looking forward to it.

Other than that, things are tripping along nicely. I have a stomach bug or some sort of food poisoning and have spent much of the day in bed. D had to come home to help with the kids because I couldn’t manage it. I finally dragged myself out of the bedroom a bit ago and am feeling somewhat human. I may even try to eat a little something.

I’m taking the computer over there sometime today and we won’t have internet until sometime Tuesday. Try not to miss me too much, OK?

(No phone until then, either, but I’ll have my cell!)

I said I’d try and get one of them together, but I was thinking something of them playing!  Still, it’s pretty sweet and much easier to capture them like this.  They’re both in my bed napping right now and I couldn’t resist this shot.  All together now…awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!


Yes folks, that was today’s lesson for my boys. I put together my awesome office furniture from that retail mecca named Target. I did 99% of it by myself…the exception being something with the shelves. I hadn’t lined one side up properly and couldn’t tighten the thingy that was supposed to hold it together. D came home right about the time I was trying to figure out what I’d messed up and of course swooped in to “rescue” me. I would have figured it out eventually! And he put the top on the shelves because that was the next step. I guess he figured I wouldn’t be able to reach. Which is probably true. But other than that, I did it all with my handy dandy pink ratcheting screwdriver with interchangeable bits! Which I also procured at the Tar-zhay…for only $1!!! Can you tell I *really* love that place?

So anyway, here are some pics of it put together…excuse the boxes! I started unpacking them a little bit and got sidetracked. OOPS!

First is the desk, hutch, and filing cabinet. And of course, C & J entertaining each other. The trunk under the window was left by the previous owners…very cool! The boxes on the trunk are eBay and items that need to be sold but that have been languishing in the spare bedroom because I didn’t have a good place to keep that stuff. Hopefully I can get going with that again and make some extra cash.

And now the shelves! This is the opposite side of the room…same window in both pics, just opposite ends of it. I am not sure if this is where they’ll stay. I kind of wanted D to build some bookshelves for that little alcove, but there’s one on the other side of that wall in the living room and he’ll probably build them in there instead. So these will most likely stay there, next to the ugly black filing cabinet that I hate but that holds the utility bills from our very first house in Knoxville. Yes, we still have those. Yes, I know it’s OK to throw them out. Someday I’ll have time to go through them.

I expect to have pictures of some other rooms soon! The hall bath is almost ready to have pictures, and so is C’s room. His changing table isn’t there yet, but everything else is. His room turned out really nice…the orange is so warm and fun! I think D is getting used to it, but he still despises the apple green in the bathroom. I think all of the colors I picked out turned out great…even though the gray in our room sometimes looks purple! I can live with it and D says he doesn’t care enough to repaint, so I guess it worked out OK. 😛

It looks like we’ll be sleeping there Saturday night. We have moving help lined up (must call babysitter…I keep forgetting!) and a truck reserved, so we should be all set. There’s not much left here to move. In our room, most of the furniture is left, but some of J’s has been moved, most of C’s, most of the kitchen, and part of the living room. And most of the clothes and dishes are let here as well as random junk, but that’s all easy stuff! We’re SO looking forward to having more space.

And just because I can, here’s a pic of C. Can you believe how big he is? He’ll be 9 months next week. Time flies! No pics of J as he was at Lowe’s with Daddy at the time. I’ll try later! I may even try to get them both at the same time…though that’s easier said than done!

We’ve moved almost half of our stuff now!

I cried packing up C’s tiny newborn clothes today.   I can’t believe he’s gotten so big.

I am completely and totally exhausted…off to bed, and more cleaning/packing/moving/organizing tomorrow.

We’re not done painting.  (I say “we” like I’ve been actually painting.   Not so much!)   BUT, it’s just one small room (master bath) that needs to be finished, so not too bad. We’re moving stuff today and tomorrow. D just called and almost has the storage units emptied out. WOW! I’m going to run over there in a few minutes and help him unload. Or just direct him where to put stuff, LOL!

We’re hoping to finish up the moving next weekend. I will be SO glad to have more space for all of the junk that we don’t need and should get rid of anyway. 😛

We’re done painting.  Looks like next steps are to put up window treatments, clean the floors, bathrooms, get the kitchen cabinets lined and the rest of the kitchen cleaned well, and then pack and move!

We have a moving truck this weekend…we’re attempting to empty the storage units and clean some stuff out of our current house to make it easier to organize and pack here.  Or so I hope.

Actually, the best thing would be to move the computer.  Then I couldn’t waste time with it.  Like I’m doing now!

We’re slowly getting there.  We’ve been eating dinner at the new house and working as much as possible after D gets home from work.  He finished painting J’s room last night.  Finishing C’s tonight and probably starting on ours.  I have to go get more orange paint for C’s room and new blinds for the bedrooms.  The walls are just soaking the paint up and the blinds they left were in terrible shape.  So we’re replacing most of them with faux wood blinds.  A huge investment, but worth it, I think.  Looks nicer, more light, all that good stuff.

Pics of the room to come once we get everything moved!

Well, not only is he getting this training, but he got a raise.  A small one, but better than a cost of living raise so we’re pretty excited.  It will help us immensely!  I’m kicking around the idea of putting C in a mom’s morning out program at the church where J has preschool…just one morning a week to allow myself 3 hours to do errands, doctor’s appointments, etc.  We had originally decided not to because it felt a bit expensive but now it fits into our budget.  But I’m still not sure I’m ready to leave my baby…

D is over at the house today, painting.  He got all of the drywall mudded and finished sanding yesterday.  I need to get showered and dressed and head over there, too.  I’m not sure how much I can help considering C is the amazing velcro baby, but I may try to tie him on my back and paint a little bit.  We’ll see if that works!  I can’t wait to share pics of the new house. 🙂

Obviously I’m still trying to find something I like. And am still CSS stupid so can’t make my own.

D completes his first of 4 weeks of training for his Six Sigma Black Belt today. I am so excited for him…this is something he’s been wanting to do for a long time and despite promises being made by 2 previous employers, he’s never gotten to do it. If you want more info about Six Sigma, read up here. It’s something I don’t understand a lot about, but I know it’s great for him career wise and can mean a lot of good stuff for him in the future if he has this certification. He’ll have one week a month for the next 3 months and then he’ll be done. It’s a big investment, so we hope that means his employer plans to keep him around for a good long time. We need to feel stable for a while.

W Family Players

D is the dad, the husband, and the breadwinner. All around nice guy and good at pretty much everything he does. It's disgusting, really. But makes him worth keeping around.

M is the mom, the wife, and the hopeless housekeeper. At least the kids' heads haven't fallen off yet. Beyond that, she sucks at the "stay at home" thing. Oh, and she's the blogger.

J is the big boy. Born October 11 2002, he is in kindergarten and loves it. Now 6 years old, and too smart for his own good. Talks a lot but extremely entertaining.

C is the little boy. Born June 26, 2006, he went through a lot in his first year but is doing just fine now. The only blond in the family, so his paternity is routinely questioned by rude strangers.

V is our baby girl. She is brand new and arrived in January 2009. So far everything is going well. We're thrilled to have added the final piece to our family puzzle. And yes, she WILL be the final piece!
